33 Fascinating Facts on U.S. Currency
Probably the most significant fact concerning U.S. dollars is that there are trillions of them making up 29.1% of global debt. Beyond that, however, today’s infographic covers 33 fascinating facts about the notes and coins themselves.
Another interesting fact worth mentioning: The United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing makes approximately $696 million in currency each day. Amazingly, according to their very fitting website MoneyFactory.gov, in the fiscal year of 2014 they printed over $2.2 billion in $1 bills alone.
It’s good practice, because with concerns of deflation circulating around Europe and Asia, the Feds may want to put the printing presses into overdrive.
Original graphic by: HowMuch.net
Read more at the original source: http://www.visualcapitalist.com/33-fascinating-facts-on-u-s-currency/