Veröffentlichung im Auftrag von Commerce Resources Corp. und Zimtu Capital Corp.
Letzte Woche berichtete Commerce Resources Corp. über die Laborergebnisse von einem Gesteinsprobenprogramm (“sampling“) in der Miranna Gegend bzw.etwa 1 km östlich ihrer Ashram REE-Lagerstätte im kanadischen Québec. Die besten Ergebnisse erzielten 5,9% und 4,2% Niobiumpentoxid (Nb2O5). 9 ausgewählte Proben zeigten einen Durchschnitt von 2,3% Nb2O5. Von allen 64 Proben hatten 40 Gehalte >0,5 Nb2O5, wobei 16 die 1%-Marke übertrafen. Es konnten auch signifikante Gehalte an Tantal, Phosphat und Seltene Erdenoxide nachgewiesen werden (2 Proben zeigten jeweils >1.000 ppm Ta2O5 und 1% Nb2O5, während zahlreiche Proben >10% P2O5 hatten).
Vergleicht man diese Niobiumgehalte mit dem globalen Durchschnitt von Minengehalten zwischen 0,5-1,5% Nb2O5, mitsamt den Gehalten von Niobiumexplorationsprojekten, so hat Commerce Resources allen Grund, begeistert zu sein.
Juniors mit Niobiumfokus geniessen derzeit eine Aktienkursaufwertung, womöglich dank positiver Niobiumnachfrage für Strukturstahl von Infrastrukturprojekten, sowie für leichtere und stärkere Fahrzeugchassis. Die Aktien von MDN Inc. werteten demletzt um knapp 400% auf, nachdem ihre Akquisition vom James Bay Niobiumprojekt bzw. Argor Projekt bekannt wurde, das über eine historische Ressource mit einem Gehalt von 0,52% Nb2O5 verfügt.
Letztes Jahr berichtete NioCorp Developments Ltd. (urpsrünglich von Zimtu Capital Corp. strukturiert) über die Gehalte ihrer “indicated“ Ressource i.H.v. 0,71% Nb2O5 (Cutoff-Gehalt bei 0,3%) der Elk Creek Niobiumlagerstätte in Nebraska, USA. Heute geniesst NioCorp eine Marktbewertung von mehr als $150 Mio. CAD.
Mit einem Marktanteil von etwa 90% ist Brasilien der weltweit grösste Niobiumproduzent, gefolgt von Kanada. Brasilien besitzt auch die grössten Niobiumreserven (98,5%), gefolgt von Kanada (1%) und Australien (0,5%). Die brasilianischen Niobiumreserven belaufen sich auf etwa 840 Mio. t Nb2O5 bei Durchschnittsgehalten von 0,73%. Die 2 brasilianischen Niobiumminen sind Araxá (vom privaten Unternehmen CBMM) mit einem 85%-Anteil am weltweiten Niobiumangebot und Ressourcengehalten von etwa 2,5% Nb2O5 und Catalão (von China Molybdenum) mit einem 7%-Anteil am Niobiumangebot und Reservengehalte von etwa 1,2% Nb2O5 (Resourcen bei 0,93%).
Die 3. grösste Mine ist Niobec in Québec (vom privaten Unternehmen Magris Resources) mit einem 7%-Anteil am Niobiumangebot und Ressourcengehalten von 0,53% Nb2O5. Für $500 Mio. CAD kaufte Magris im Januar 2015 die Niobec Mine von IamGold. Marktkenner glaubten, dass dies ein Signal war, dass der Bau von Infrastruktur zurück am Horizont sei und dass die Niobiumnachfrage positiv beeinflusst werden würde.
Die meisten Explorations- und Entwicklungsprojekte, sowie die in Betrieb befindlichen Niobiumminen, verfügen über Gehalte zwischen 0,3% und 1,2% Nb2O5, mit Ausnahme der grössten und hochgradigsten Niobiummine der Welt, Araxá in Brasilien, mit Ressourcengehalte von etwa 2,5% Nb2O5. Mit einem Durchschnitt von 2,3% Nb2O5 aus 9 Proben von der Miranna Gegend könnte Commerce Resources kurz vor der Entdeckung einer hochgradigen Niobiumlagerstätte stehen, die vergleichbar mit dem weltweit führenden Produzenten sind. Miranna hat das richtige Wirtsgestein mitsamt Erzmineral für standardmäßige, hoch effiziente Metallurgieverarbeitung: Karbonatitgestein mitsamt niobiumhaltiger Pyrochlormineralogie.
Das sich Miranna nur 1 km östlich von der Ashramm REE-Lagerstätte befindet, sind signifikante Entwicklungssynergien denkbar, sofern eine abbauwürdige Lagerstätte bei Miranna nachgewiesen wird. Das Vorhandensein von 2 strategischen Metalllagerstätten direkt an der Erdoberfläche würde die Infrastrukturentwicklung auf dem Eldor Grundstück, sowie in der ganzen Region, in hohem Maße erleichtern. Die Entwicklung von 2 separaten Lagerstätten auf Eldor ermöglicht signifikante Synergien in Bezug auf CAPEX (Vorabkapitalaufwendungen) und OPEX (Produktionskosten), womit die Gesamtkosten beträchtlich gesenkt werden können, sofern beide Projekte zur Mine entwickelt werden. Die Initiative Plan Nord, die einen Fokus auf die Entwicklung von Québecs Ressourcen hat, könnte alsbald einen weiteren guten Grund haben, Commerce Resources in ihren Infrastrukturentwicklungsplänen zu berücksichtigen.
Niobium can deliver powerful economic and environmental benefits in applications where it is used. For example, according to the World Steel Association, approximately $9 USD of niobium added to a mid-sized automobile can reduce its weight by 100 kg. That helps increase its fuel efficiency by 5%. And that‘s a huge return to consumers and our environment. As a commodity, niobium enjoys relatively stable pricing at attractive levels. It also is characterized by robust and diverse global markets, solid forecast growth rates, relatively limited substitution risk, and multiple applications across environmentally preferred technologies.
The commodity no one knows about but everybody wants to buy
By Thomas Biesheuvel & Jesse Riseborough for Bloomberg on May 18, 2016
The world’s mines and steel plants got so devalued during the commodity slump that some were just given away by owners struggling to cut losses or debt. But there’s at least one metal that’s been attracting a lot of attention.
Niobium -- named for a Greek goddess who became a symbol of the tragic mourning mother -- is used to produce stronger, lighter steel for industrial pipes and aircraft parts. It is mined in only three places on Earth, and the price of every kilogram is seven times higher than copper.
China Molybdenum Co. outmaneuvered at least 15 companies last month to purchase Anglo American Plc’s niobium and phosphate unit in Brazil, agreeing to pay $1.5 billion, or 50 percent more than the valuation by some analysts. The buying frenzy that included Vale SA, Apollo Global Management LLC and X2 Resources showcased the growing appeal of a market that may be worth $4 billion for a soft, silvery metal many experts don’t know much about.
“I didn’t know what niobium was, and I had been in the minerals industry for 20 years before this opportunity came across my desk,” said Craig Burton, the chairman of Cradle Resources Ltd., which is seeking to develop the $200 million Panda Hill niobium project in Tanzania.
“I had to actually open up the periodic table just to double-check that it was an element. It definitely is a boutique space.”
Niobium is hard to find and hard to value. More than 80 percent of global supply comes from one company -- Cia. Brasileira de Metalurgia & Mineracao in Brazil. Metal Bulletin Ltd., which publishes prices for metals as obscure as bismuth and germanium, says there’s not enough liquidity to report one for niobium.
The metal averaged about $40 a kilogram last year, according to Cradle Resources, which is based in Perth, Australia. An equivalent amount of copper on the London Metal Exchange fetched about $5.49. Global demand for niobium is about 90,000 to 100,000 metric tons annually.
Three Mines
Still, prices fell last year because of the weak demand for steel, as slumping oil and gas markets led to fewer metal pipe purchases, according to Anglo American, which wants to raise cash to cut debt after a collapse in commodity prices. Almost all the metal comes from just three mines in Brazil and Canada, allowing dominant producer CBMM to match supply to demand and influence prices.
Among the companies outbid by China Molybdenum were Mosaic Co., the world’s largest producer of phosphate fertilizer, South32 Ltd. and Eurochem Group AG, people familiar with the process said.
The sale was highly competitive, said two people involved, who asked not to be identified because the matter was private.
The winning offer exceeded the estimates of analysts at Bank of America Corp. and Investec Plc. RBC Capital Markets said the assets were among the best that London-based Anglo has offered.
Very Unique
What makes the business so attractive is that there are only a few operating mines. Anglo and Niobec account for about 9 percent of production, and Brazil’s CBMM supplies the rest, according to Argonaut Securities Pty. Both the U.S. and Europe list niobium as a strategically important mineral.
“Niobium is a very unique business,” said Kalidas Madhavpeddi, who heads the CMOC International unit of Luoyang, China-based China Molybdenum. “We typically want to buy from people who regret selling it. We’ve been very carefully assembling a war chest in anticipation of a downturn in the industry.”
CBMM, controlled by the billionaire Moreira Salles family, has mostly dominated supply since starting operations five decades ago.
It sold a 30 percent stake to a group of Asian steelmakers in two transactions valued at $3.9 billion in 2011.
In another deal, Magris Resources Inc., founded by former Barrick Gold Corp. Chief Executive Officer Aaron Regent, agreed to pay $530 million for the Niobec mine in Canada in 2014.
Unsuccessful bidders in Anglo’s sale may turn their interest to Cradle’s Panda Hill project in Tanzania, Argonaut said in a research report. Pending financing, it’s expected to start producing in mid-2018. Cradle shares jumped 8.6 percent in Australian trading, reaching the highest since 2011.
The sales “have brought a lot of participants in,” Cradle’s Burton said. “There was only one winner. That leaves lots of parties that might be interested in talking to us because we do need to raise some capital to bring this project on.”
Commerce Resources samples high-grade niobium outside its Ashram rare earths deposit
By Greg Klein for ResourceClips on September 13, 2016
A serene-looking camp contrasts with activity elsewhere on Commerce Resources’ Eldor property.
A “spectacular” niobium assay has Commerce Resources TSXV:CCE enthused about an exploration target one kilometre from its Ashram rare earths deposit. A sampling program on the northern Quebec Eldor property strengthens the Miranna area’s niobium-tantalum-phosphate potential, with results up to 5.9% niobium pentoxide. But excited as the company is, work continues to focus on Ashram’s pre-feasibility studies.
“That’s the highest grade niobium sample I have ever seen on the planet,” says president Chris Grove. “I’ve never seen anything higher. This is spectacular.”
Of 64 samples, 40 assayed above 0.5% Nb2O5, with 16 surpassing 1%. The program also found significant grades of tantalum, phosphate and rare earth oxides. Two samples each graded above 1,000 ppm Ta2O5 and 1% Nb2O5, while several samples revealed more than 10% P2O5.
The samples also showed appreciable REE mineralization associated with the niobium, Commerce added.
The finding brings to mind the origin of Commerce, which was created around the Upper Fir project in southeastern British Columbia. The property’s Blue River tantalum-niobium deposit reached PEA in 2011 and a resource update in 2013.
Niobium’s price explosion in late 2006 sent Commerce looking for additional deposits, Grove says. That led the company to Eldor. But Ashram’s initial drill results switched the focus to rare earths.
And while Miranna now presents additional multi-commodity potential, work will continue to focus on Ashram’s pre-feas, Grove emphasizes.
The Miranna samples come from a glacial train of niobium-tantalum-phosphate mineralized boulders believed to be near their source. Some mineralized samples hold magnetite, suggesting a magnetic signature to the source. The company says a magnetic high immediately south, which appears to coincide with the train’s apex, could mark the bedrock source.
Previous mineralogical work indicates that Miranna’s niobium and tantalum mineralization is hosted by pyrochlore, the world’s dominant mineral source of niobium, Commerce stated. The pyrochlore’s coarse grains would also benefit recovery.
Meanwhile work continues at Ashram, where a near-surface program of 14 holes totalling 1,600 metres began last month. Metallurgical studies at a mini-pilot plant have simplified the project’s flowsheet.
Busy on a number of fronts, a company priority remains producing samples to send to potential JV or offtake partners, who might then take part in the pre-feas.
“It would make sense to have a potential partner offer input on what our production scenario would be,” Grove points out.
“We have a huge deposit and we can go bigger, go smaller or stay the same. So advice from a potential partner does make sense before we actually complete the pre-feas.”
Using a 1.25% cutoff, Ashram’s 2012 resource shows 1.59 million tonnes averaging 1.77% total rare earth oxides measured, 27.67 million tonnes averaging 1.9% indicated and 219.8 million tonnes averaging 1.88% inferred. The near-surface deposit remains open to the north and south, and at depth.
Ashram hosts REEs largely in monazite and to a lesser extent bastnasite and xenotime, minerals that dominate commercial extraction.
Ashram’s distribution shows enrichment in the critical and magnet feed elements neodymium, praseodymium, europium, terbium, dysprosium and yttrium.
Read more about Commerce Resources.
Commerce Resources Corp.
#1450 - 789 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC, Kanada V6C 1H2
Telefon: +1 604 484 2700
Aktien im Markt: 259.508.950
Kanada Symbol (TSX.V): CCE
Aktueller Kurs: $0,07 CAD (20.09.2016)
Marktkapitalisierung: $18 Mio. CAD
Deutschland Kürzel / WKN (Frankfurt): D7H / A0J2Q3
Aktueller Kurs: €0,045 EUR (20.09.2016)
Marktkapitalisierung: €12 Mio. EUR
Research Übersicht
Research #19 “Karbonatit: Der Grundstein vom Seltenerden-Markt“
Research #18 “REE-Boom 2.0 in Vorbereitung?“
Research #17 “Die Regierung Quebec startet Arbeiten mit Commerce Resources“
Research #16 “Glencore-Handel mit Commerce Resources“
Research #15 “Der Erste wird zuerst bedient“
Research #14 “Fragen & Antworten zu meinem Artikel Beleuchtung des Spielfelds der Seltenen Erden“
Research #13 “Beleuchtung des Spielfelds der Seltenen Erden“
Research #12 “Ashrams Pilotanlage erreicht Meilenstein“
Research #11 “Rumble in the REE Jungle: Molycorp vs. Commerce – Die Mountain Pass Blase und der Ashram Vorteil“
Research #10 “Interview mit Darren L. Smith und Chris Grove während sich der Friedhof der REE-Projekte zunehmend füllt“
Research #9 “Lug und Trug mit dem REE-Preiskorb und die Klarheit von OPEX“
Research #8 “Ein fundamentaler Wirtschaftlichkeitsfaktor im REE-Markt: SÄURE“
Research #7 “Die Mine-zum-Markt-Strategie und ihre Motive im REE-Markt“
Research #6 “Was braucht der REE-Markt dringend? (Ausser Verstand)“
Research #5 “Aufstieg zum Brancheprimus kurz vor Vollendung“
Research #4 “Ashram – Die nächste Schlacht um REEs zwischen China und dem Rest der Welt?“
Research #3 “REE-Lagerstätten: Ein einfaches Mittel zur vergleichenden Bewertung“
Research #2 “K.O.-Schlag gegen irre-führende Aussagen in der REE-Branche“
Research #1 “Das K.O.-Kriterium für REE-Aktien: Wie man die Spreu vom Weizen trennt“
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